Drawing lessons from economic Value-added concept, capital-asset-pricing model and Black-Scholes model, we have designed the phantom stock option plan of Liutie material company. 借鉴经济增加值这一概念和资本资产定价模型及布莱克-舒尔茨模型,设计了柳州材料总厂虚拟股票期权激励计划。
Firstly, an estimation algorithm for spectrum of the CT system is presented in the paper by using a standard cylinder or wedge phantom, where the mass attenuation coefficient of the contained material of the phantom is not necessarily to be known. 本文首先给出了由标准均匀圆柱状模体或楔状模体估计CT系统的X射线能谱的算法,该算法不必已知构成模体的物质关于不同能量的光子的质量衰减系数。
Methods: This research adopted especially organic glass cylinder to make the phantom. The phantom was filled with the material, which had similar T1, T2 values with brain organizes. Six planes were marked to carry on the data processing. 方法:本研究采用特定制作的与颅脑外形大小相近的有机玻璃圆柱,内部填充T1、T2值与脑组织相似的材料,并确定6层标记平面,以进行数据处理。
Methods A hydroxyapatite quality control phantom was designed and made through three steps: solid water, bone phantom material and integration, then evaluated the phantom on four different types of DXA machines made by LUNAR company. 方法经过固体水、骨体模材料和整体组合3个研制阶段,制成羟磷灰石质量控制体模1个,并在LUNAR公司生产的4台不同型号DXA仪器上对该体模进行临床测试。